
  • Legal Advice

    When you’re only given one chance to get it right, we suggest getting legal help to ensure everything is done correctly. There are many options available, and AOPA’s pilot protection services is one of them.

    AOPA is a supporter of Rightfooted Foundation.

  • US Flight Training & Scholarships

    Able Flight is the leading flight training nonprofit for people with disabilities who want to become pilots. See their summer program at Perdue and apply for a scholarship below.

  • Aerobility

    Our friends across the pond (UK) provide flying experiences and training for people with disabilities. One of their aircraft is what Jessica flew while filming for the BBC’s “We’re the Superhumans” Paralympic commercial.

  • Understanding the Medical Requirements (FAA)

    AOPA has compiled an extensive resource to answer questions about meeting the FAA’s medical requirements to earn (or maintain) a pilot’s license.

    AOPA is a supporter of Rightfooted Foundation.

  • Airplane Builder Resources

    The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has extensive resources for both beginner and experienced builders. Learn everything from getting started to certifying a kit plane.

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